CRC Opposes Proposal to Centreville Code

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The Centreville Town Council considered and rejected by a vote of 4-1, a proposal by a gas station/convenience store to increase the footprint allowed for a new store from 2,000 square feet to 5,000 square feet. CRC argued that the … Continued

QAC Woodlands Under Threat

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A proposal made by QAC citizen Barry Waterman, asking that QAC repeal the Woodlands provision from the County Code’s Resource Protection Standard, will be the subject of a public hearing at the August 9th County Commissioners meeting. Repealing the provision … Continued

Are you seeing more flooding?

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Heavier and more severe rain storms has led to frequent flooding of water bodies in the Corsica and its watershed; one indication of the impact of a changing climate. (The photo of a dock underwater on our homepage is just … Continued

CRC Letter to County Commissioners

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CRC sent its final comments on the 2021 Comprehensive Plan to the County Commissioners on April 11. The Plan clearly and repeatedly expresses the intent of the County to be an exemplary steward of its natural resources. It recognizes the … Continued