Time to Invest Those Fallen Leaves

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All of a sudden, it seems, the leaves have fallen. It’s the time of year to take advantage of their benefits. Fallen leaves form a blanket that protects roots and critters from the coming winter. Over time, microorganisms break down … Continued

Beautiful But Deadly: Spotted Lanternfly

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The spotted lanternfly is the latest invasive species to be found in the Mid-Atlantic area. The first 2020 hatch of this dangerous pest was spotted in Cecil County in May. https://news.maryland.gov/mda/press-release/2020/05/21/department-confirms-first-spotted-lanternfly-hatch-of-2020/ The insect can destroy agriculture crops, including corn and … Continued

Success at the Fishing Derby and Corsica River Day

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It was a busy weekend on the Corsica River. On Friday evening, September 11th, over 50 young fisherman and their families participated in Centreville’s annual Fishing Derby. The photo below shows one successful catch. And then on Sunday, the Conservancy … Continued