• State of the Rivers (5/6/2024) - ShoreRivers State of the Rivers May 8, 2024 at 5:30 pm Garfield Center for the Arts in Chestertown   Tracking water quality in the Corsica is an important first step for achieving cleaner water.  Understanding the amount and trends of … Continued
  • Shrinkwrap Recycling Program for 2024 (4/3/2024) - The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Clean Marina Initiative and the Marine Trades Association of Maryland program to recycle boat shrinkwrap plastic will expand this year to Queen Anne’s county residents who keep boats in their yards. Previously, shrinkwrap recycling … Continued
  • County Commissioners Adopt Pier Extension Change (3/30/2024) - The County Commissioners recently adopted an ordinance to change the criteria for approving a pier that exceeds the current requirement of 150 feet. However, the Commissioners also adopted an amendment, introduced by Commissioner Corchiarino, to exempt pending applications. Doing so … Continued
  • Some Good News for Bay Health (2/2/2024) - In two areas, recent data show improvements that indicate Bay health. Maryland’s DNR fall oyster survey recorded a “remarkable” year for both numbers and distribution of juvenile oysters. The survey’s spatfall intensity index, a measure of reproductive success and potential … Continued
  • Centreville Town Council Passes Plastic Bag Ban (8/13/2023) - On July 20, the Town Council of Centerville passed a ban on single-use carry-out plastic bags 4-0 with the 5th Member recusing himself. Ordinance 2023-2 calls for a ban on plastic bags and a 10-cent charge for paper bags. Similar … Continued
  • Bay Grasses in the News (7/8/2023) - Bay grasses, known as submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), are making a comeback in the Bay according to recent data from monitoring officials at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and reported in the Bay Journal https://www.bayjournal.com/news/wildlife_habitat/chesapeakes-underwater-grasses-expanded-12-in-2022-but-remain-far-from-goal/article_b50f3bb4-173f-11ee-b9c9-b36c4a257333.html. But eel grass has … Continued
  • Supreme Court Limits Protection for Wetlands (6/15/2023) - On May 25, 2023 the United States Supreme Court released a unanimous decision regarding coverage of the Clean Water Act, reversing a recent decision by lower courts. The opinion limits the Environmental Protection Administration’s ability to regulate wetlands unless they … Continued
  • Look Out for the Pump Out! (5/31/2023) - Calling all boaters. Centreville has moved the marine pump out station to a new home at the transient docking area along the Centreville Wharf Park boardwalk. Whether you have a holding tank, portable, or bucket, the pump out station is … Continued
  • Conservation Buffer Funding Program Begins January 30, 2023 (1/27/2023) - For the 3rd year, Maryland’s Department of Agricultural is offering funds to farmers to plant  streamside buffers. Three types of buffers are eligible for funding and free technical assistance from local soil conservation districts under this program: forest buffers planted … Continued
  • Plastic Packaging in the Chesapeake Watershed (1/19/2023) - A recent report by the Chesapeake Bay Commission and the Chesapeake Legal Alliance looked at the problem of plastics in the Bay and the responsibility of plastic packaging producers in decreasing the amount. Holding the producers accountable for its end-of-life … Continued