QAC Woodlands Under Threat

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A proposal made by QAC citizen Barry Waterman, asking that QAC repeal the Woodlands provision from the County Code’s Resource Protection Standard, will be the subject of a public hearing at the August 9th County Commissioners meeting.

Repealing the provision would allow for a greater loss of woodlands and potentially more development in environmentally sensitive areas. The proposal flies in the face of the natural resources stewardship commitments the QA County Commissioners just made in approving the Comprehensive Plan Update.

QAC Planning Staff did not recommend adoption of the proposal. But, the Planning Commission voted to recommend its adoption to the County Commissioners.

Attend the QA County Commission meeting on August 9 or send your comments to the Commissioners to oppose this amendment prior to the hearing. YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

County Commissioners:

Jim Moran:

Chris Corchiarino:

Phil Dumenil:

Jack Wilson:

Steve Wilson: