CRC Letter to County Commissioners

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CRC sent its final comments on the 2021 Comprehensive Plan to the County Commissioners on April 11. The Plan clearly and repeatedly expresses the intent of the County to be an exemplary steward of its natural resources. It recognizes the … Continued

MDE’s Enforcement of Water Quality Rules Found Lacking

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Maryland’s Department of the Environment (MDE) has responsibility for enforcing rules designed to minimize water pollution. That responsibility rests in MDE’s Water and Science Administration (WSA). A recent report by the Chesapeake Accountability Project, made up of five non-profit organizations, … Continued

Release of NOAA-led Report on Sea Level Rise

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Sea level rise is accelerating. According to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-led report recently released, the United States is expected to experience as much sea level rise by the year 2050 as it witnessed in the previous hundred years, … Continued

Bay Crossing Study Preferred Alternative Announced

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The Maryland Transportation Authority and the Federal Highway Administration have completed the Tier 1 study of a new Chesapeake Bay crossing, required by the National Environmental Policy Act. The study recommends that the best of the options they considered is … Continued