QAC Comprehensive Plan Update

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Community Involvement Needed for Queen Anne’s County Comprehensive Plan Update

The County is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan. The update is required every 10 years and guides subsequent decision making including land use, zoning and permitting, and other activities in the watershed that affect the use and health of the Corsica River. The Planning Department and the contractor it has hired to assist in the plan development, Wallace-Montgomery, are interested in getting community involvement. They have set up a series of meetings over the next several weeks.

The 2010 Plan has a strong natural resources component. (Read the 2010 plan.) The Conservancy has already begun contributing its priorities. We are advocating that impervious surface be made an explicit criteria in decisions on future development. There is significant evidence that too much impervious surface adversely affects water quality and habitat. CRC will also draw on lessons learned during the 15-year restoration process for providing additional input.

It is important that many voices are heard. Information about these meetings/visioning workshops can be found on the CRC Calendar or by visiting the Get Involved tab on the Queen Anne’s County Comprehensive Plan Update website at We encourage you to participate.